Sunday, September 21, 2008

Be a Clear Reflection of Christ!

Have you ever wondered why the truth of the gospel is not embraced by many? I think that one of the reasons that the gospel is not accepted is because our words are not supported by actions. When the words of the gospel are not reflected in our lives, we lack credibility and acceptance. Another reason is our fear, fear that causes us to communicate without conviction in what we believe. Let us have a look at the word to see what the Bible says to us to deal with these two specific issues.

James says that faith without action is dead. No one wants to follow a faith that is hollow, without substance. Gandhi was intrigued by Christianity and read the Gospels. He was impressed by the teachings of Jesus. However, he did not accept Christianity because Christians did not live out what they preached. He said, "I'd be a Christian if it were not for the Christians." If we live a life that is coherent with what we preach, then naturally many will be attracted.
James 2:14-17
What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Fear is a huge limiting factor in many areas of our life including sharing our incredible faith.  We are probably fearful of being rejected and fearful of being shamed with things that could possible go wrong. We need to understand that God loves us in spite of everything we are and we could possibly do. So take the pressure of yourself because it is the Holy Spirit who will bring abut conviction. John writes that perfect love casts out fear. When we step out in His name, God will come through and help us. Every conversation, every opportunity where we witness to God's incredible work in our own life is a step in planting a seed in someone else's life.
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Isaiah 41: 10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
   do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

How is the gospel message that you share being received by your audience? Do you think that you need to improve your credibility by uniting your words with the way you live? Or is it fear that is robbing you of communicating the truth with conviction and love? Make a decision to deal with whatever area you are struggling with in order to not be a stumbling block for others. Be a clear reflection of who Christ is so that many will come to the knowledge of Christ!

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